Feature Story Clean Energy & Ocean Solutions

Hanwha Campaigns for a More Sustainable Future with the Release of "What Color for Tomorrow?"

November 19, 2021

While the science surrounding climate change may be intricate and complex, raising awareness about the solutions should not be. Continuing its efforts to propel the global community towards a more sustainable future, Hanwha is proud to present “What Color for Tomorrow?

The short film, crafted in collaboration with celebrated film animator Chaïtane Conversat, premiered on October 1, 2021. Available on the official Hanwha YouTube channel, Hanwha’s animated short film is an easy-to-digest roadmap to a more climate-friendly future that aims to spark conversations about our planet’s health. The film’s emotional storytelling and compelling visuals are inspiring audiences of all ages to think critically about how and from where they consume power.

Thierry the Rabbit, Beaver and Bear smile in a scene from Hanwha's clean energy-focused film, “What Color for Tomorrow?”

A scene from “What Color for Tomorrow?” featuring Thierry the Rabbit, Bear, and Beaver

The film shines a spotlight on Hanwha’s contributions to building a sustainable future for all through innovations in its eco-friendly businesses such as solar, green hydrogen, and wind energy. Putting the environment front and center, the short film shares the crucial message that humanity must move forward hand in hand with nature, developing and committing to the use of green energy sources.

Hanwha Newsroom reached out to “What Color for Tomorrow?” animator Chaïtane Conversat to learn more about the animation’s inspiration. But first, a look at the film itself.

“What Color for Tomorrow?”

Hanwha has dedicated many years to developing well-designed sustainability solutions to combat climate change. Specifically, its green energy businesses focus on discovering new ways to design eco-friendly energy sources that move the needle towards global carbon neutrality. The company’s efforts also include creating multi-media resources such as “What Color for Tomorrow?” to make climate change information and solutions easy to understand.

The short film “What Color for Tomorrow?” depicts woodland characters using green energy to advance environmental sustainability

Animated by sustainability advocate Chaïtane Conversat, the touching short film celebrates green energy

The animation tells the story of Thierry, a kind-hearted, everyday rabbit, and his two friends Beaver and Bear. Near the city, the three friends made their home in a forest gutted by the effects of indiscriminate consumption of resources. Surrounded by garbage mountains and polluted rivers, they suffer from hunger with no food to eat amid unpredictable climate change. Spurred on by Thierry’s initial discovery of sustainable wind energy, all three friends work together to uncover other unique means of renewable energy like solar and green hydrogen, making the gray sky clear and the land greener again. At the end of the film, they move toward a greener world, building today’s energy system for a sustainable tomorrow.

Our Interview with Chaïtane Conversat

Animator and champion for sustainability Chaïtane Conversat smiles against a black backdrop

Film animator and champion for sustainability Chaïtane Conversat

Q: Please introduce yourself.

I am an animation film producer, screenwriter, and graphic designer. I am also an educator and conduct various types of workshops and teach animation as a volunteer at schools and specialized hospitals for people with disabilities.

Q: What inspired you to work with Hanwha on "What Color for Tomorrow?" 

I was pleasantly surprised when Hanwha reached out and happily accepted because environmental causes are close to my heart. Hanwha wanted to make a short film that could raise awareness about the exploitation of resources and the threat of climate change under the theme of green energy.

Celebrating the environment is a repetitive theme in my animations, so this collaboration was an opportunity to deliver another strong message through my work. The team and I were delighted to work together with Hanwha to create such an important piece of art. For us, producing this film itself was a stress reliever. There was laughter, joy, and adventure throughout the production.

The animators behind “What Color for Tomorrow” describe how they brought Hanwha's vision for renewable energy to life

A behind the scenes look at bringing Thierry’s world to life

Q: Renowned for your cutout and stop-motion techniques, what was your work process like on this project?

I like animation because I can create images using various materials. My favorite approach pairs fiber paper with a cutout technique so that a backlight can create a unique expression. 

Unlike ordinary animations, cutouts require a lot of do-it-yourself, cutting, bonding, and assembling during the production process. I worked with about 20 team members on this film as the work cannot be done alone. We utilized approximately 20 sets, multiple props, small plant materials and made about 30 dolls. Creating the characters' different poses, profiles, and facial expressions comprised about 3/4 of the filming plan.

I also prefer to mix techniques which helps with directing. One of my previous works, "Le Refuge De L'Écureuil" ("Home Sweet Home" in English), also used a mixture of paper cutouts, animation paintings, shadow play, and sand animation techniques. In "What Color for Tomorrow?" the oil is painted, and I expressed the smoke and gray skies using sand.

Using a cutout technique takes a long time, but when you make everything out of something as simple as a piece of paper, the final product has such a unique and magical charm. 

Animators place carefully cut paper objects to create scenes that highlight the importance of tackling climate change

Countless hours of detailed, expert craftsmanship when into the making of the short film

Q: Which of the three green energy sources—solar, wind, and hydrogen—was most difficult to express through animation? 

The most difficult to express was hydrogen energy. Wind turbines and solar modules are now part of everyday scenery, and references were easy to find. On the contrary, hydrogen is more technical and abstract because it’s an energy source that is not yet prevalent in everyday life. Working on this animation actually introduced me to green hydrogen, something I was completely unfamiliar with before.

Q: Featured at the Seoul Eco Film Festival in 2020, your work often revolves around the environment. How do you practice environmentalism in everyday life?

I try to be conscious of my consumption every day. To avoid using plastic bottles, I use solid shampoo, eat locally sourced food, buy groceries from a producer near my home, and buy secondhand as often as I can.

We need to change the way we consume completely and recognize that the Earth's resources are running out. To continue living on this Earth, our only home, we need to respect it and reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible.

Q: In your opinion, what efforts are needed to overcome the global climate crisis?

I think immediate and fundamental changes are needed. It is also essential for everyone to limit their consumption and be aware of their carbon footprint in daily life. On the other hand, corporate responsibility is also necessary. We need to recognize that competition surrounding profit can destroy the Earth. We must find alternatives quickly and stop using fossil fuels.

Q: Do you have any final thoughts to share with the film's audience?

We shouldn't believe that we can use the Earth's resources abundantly and whenever, without their running out. In addition to Hanwha providing sustainable solutions that affect the Earth as little as possible, we must gather our minds together and find an answer to the struggle. It is necessary for our survival and the survival of millions of other species. We must acknowledge that every one of us plays a role.

Hanwha’s Commitment to Sustainable Solutions

Like Thierry and his friends, Hanwha and its affiliates seek sustainable solutions to better protect the environment. Each affiliate has made low-carbon management an essential part of its business as Hanwha strives to change the existing operational business paradigm to one of low environmental impact and increased eco-friendliness.

Hanwha continually pursues innovations in the solar-energy industry, spurring its ongoing growth and success in the global solar-energy market. Hanwha Q CELLS and Hanwha Energy are building a comprehensive value chain from manufacturing to energy retail. Furthermore, Hanwha has designed software to help make solar energy more ubiquitous and affordable through AI and big data analysis technologies. This solution optimizes price and volume, thereby alleviating pressure on power grids by identifying the most efficient supply response to manage fluctuating demand. Overall, these future-forward measures will help use green energy more effectively, in line with the goal of reducing carbon emissions to combat climate change.

Based on over a decade of experience and expertise in solar energy, Hanwha is now expanding its green-energy offerings to hydrogen and wind energy. This creates a more sustainable approach from the production to the supply of eco-friendly green hydrogen. For instance, Hanwha Solutions is developing water electrolysis technology that separates water into hydrogen and oxygen through electricity generated from renewable resources like solar energy. The company is also unlocking new opportunities for hydrogen storage, transport, and the installation and operation of charging facilities. Moreover, Hanwha Impact is developing mixed-hydrogen combustion technology, a low-carbon power generation technology that produces electricity by mixing hydrogen with existing liquefied natural gas (LNG) power, contributing to fewer CO₂ emissions.

Massive wind turbines surrounded by rolling hills generate clean energy beneath a bright blue sky

Hanwha Solutions acquired RES France, a French renewable energy company, expanding its green energy business to include wind energy
(Source: Hanwha Q CELLS)

As a global total energy solutions provider, Hanwha’s wind energy business is also firmly underway. While Hanwha Engineering & Construction laid the groundwork as a green developer with its wind energy business, Hanwha Solutions also recently acquired French renewable development company RES Méditerranée SAS (RES France), expanding its sustainable energy business to include wind energy. The acquisition stands to double Hanwha’s clean energy project pipeline to approximately 10 GW throughout Europe and further solidify the company’s leadership position within the market. Hanwha E&C has also expanded its construction business to include environmental projects such as wind-power generation. Both its land-based and offshore wind farm projects are helping to reduce the energy carbon footprint dramatically.

Carving out the path to a sustainable tomorrow, Hanwha will continue its work in the research, development, and implementation of green energy solutions. Its understanding of the importance of transitioning to a carbon-neutral society is clear in its efforts to reduce the global dependency on fossil fuels. In addition, Hanwha will continue to pursue sustainable, environmentally sound policies, practices, and opportunities across its businesses.

As a global leader in green energy, Hanwha feels both a responsibility and a pride in delivering the message of sustainability to communities around the globe. Hanwha will continue to provide valuable resources like “What Color for Tomorrow?” to educate and inspire those ready and willing to join the fight against climate change.