Privacy Policy

Last updated May 2, 2024
Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. This Privacy Policy applies to individuals (“you” or “user”) who interact with Hanwha as users of Hanwha Global Website (“Website”). This Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is collected, used, stored, retained and disclosed by Hanwha. Please read this Privacy Policy before navigating and/or interacting with our Website to understand our privacy practices and how you can access and update your personal data preferences and make certain choices about how your personal data is used. By using our Website or communicating with us, you acknowledge and agree that your personal data will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including any updates and amendments hereto.

This Privacy Policy covers our online data collection activities, including personal data that we collect through our Websites, inquiries, newsletter subscriptions and third party social networks.

Hanwha Corporation and its affiliated companies worldwide (collectively referred to as “Hanwha” “we”, “us”or “our”, and each as a “Hanwha Affiliated Company”) is committed to protecting the privacy of our users in line with key principles underlined by the General Data Protection Regulation (reference EU2016/679) of the European Parliament (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and in accordance with all applicable personal data protection laws and regulations of each applicable jurisdictions.

We may update this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice to reflect changes in our personal information practices with respect to the services. We will change the “Last Updated” date at the top of this policy to indicate when the policy was last updated.


What is personal data?

Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person either directly or indirectly. This definition covers a range of personal identifiers to constitute personal data, including name, address, email address, identification number, location data or online identifier, as set forth below.

Which sources do we collect personal data from and what personal data do we use?

When you use this website, Hanwha will collect, use and process any personal data you provide to us and any information generated as a result of using the website, such as IP address, the date and length of visit to the site, the pages you view etc. Please see below for each item of personal data we collect as well as the method of collection and retention period for each item.


  • Method of collecting data: Hanwha directly collects email addresses whenever you voluntarily provide the information to us through the webpages including pages for (i) signing up for newsletters and (ii) making inquiries.
  • Retention period: Until services continue or users request to erase data.


  • Method of collecting data:
    • Log files/IP address: When you visit our website and you have not otherwise identified yourself (e.g., via registration for newsletter), our web servers automatically recognize your domain name and collect web server logs. Examples of the types of data collected in the logs are IP addresses, referral pages, date and time of site access and site visited.
    • Cookies: Cookies are small data files placed on your device by a website when you visit. Cookies are currently the best way to effectively identify unique website visitors and understand how they navigate our services.
  • Retention period:
    • Cookies: Please see below section “10. Cookies”
    • IP Addresses: 9 months or until users request to erase
When you subscribe to the newsletter, Hanwha will obtain the following personal data:



COMPANY INFORMATION (Internal newsletter subscribers only)

  • Affiliate
  • Company
  • Location (Country)

This personal data will be promptly deleted on the occasion that Hanwha Newsletters are no longer published or when cancellation is requested by the subscriber.
Subscribers may opt out of the newsletter at any time.

What are the purposes of the processing of your personal data?

By using the website, Hanwha will collect and process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Your personal data may be used for the following purposes:


  • We use your personal data for administrative purposes, including to help us better understand how our customers access and use our websites and applications; to provide reports to prospective partners, service providers, regulators and others; to implement and maintain security, anti-piracy, fraud prevention and other services designed to protect our customers, partners and us; and to enforce our policies, directives and processes.


  • We use your personal data to communicate with you, including responding to requests for assistance or enquiries.


  • To the extent permitted by law, we may use your personal data for marketing and promotional purposes including communication through e-mail. For example, we can use your e-mail address to send newsletters and promotions.


  • We use your personal data for research and development purposes, including improving our websites.

What is the legal basis for processing of your personal data?

As a responsible company, we need a lawful basis for collecting and/or processing your data. We generally rely on a number of grounds (reasons) for our business processing. We process your personal data in accordance with the provisions set out in the GDPR and the relevant applicable data protection laws and regulations. The legal bases for processing your personal data are:


  • This legal basis is relevant when the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the user is the party or in order to take steps at the request of the user prior to entering into a contract. When you subscribe to a particular service (e.g., newsletter) through the website, the purposes of processing your personal data are primarily determined by that service. We will process your data so that we can provide that service to you.


  • This legal basis is relevant when the user has given consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes. When you have consented to the processing of your personal data by us for certain services through the website, you can withdraw consent at any time by following the instructions provided in the application process or by contacting us at


  • This legal basis is relevant when the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interest pursued by Hanwha. On this occasion, we may not need your consent to use your data given our legitimate interest to do so, but we must inform you that we do this. Examples of this are:
  • For the analysis and optimization of the website.
  • For ensuring IT security and the IT operation of Hanwha.
  • For prevention and investigation of criminal acts.


  • Hanwha, as any other company, is subject to legal obligations and regulations. In some cases, the processing of your personal data will be necessary for Hanwha in order to fulfil these obligations.

Who will receive your personal data?

Except for the following cases, Hanwha will not disclose personal data to any third party.

When Hanwha shares the data with its agents, service providers and advisers:

  • Our agents, service providers and advisers (e.g. third-party service providers and advisers providing the variety of products and services we need such as IT maintenance and support, compliance and security services, etc.);
  • Consignment of processing personal data: Hanwha consigns the operation of personal data to third parties written below to improve our service. The consigned work of our websites is as follows below. Hanwha regulates what is necessary according to the relevant regulations so that the personal information can be processed safely during the consignment contract.
    • ① Company name: Edelman
    • Consigned work: Marketing and promotion service
    • ② Company name: Hanwha Systems/ICT
    • Consigned work: Operating of website and system

When the users consent to disclose in advance

When disclosure is required by the laws:

  • If required to be disclosed by any applicable laws or regulations or a court order or subpoena of any competent jurisdiction; or
  • If required to be disclosed to law enforcement or government authorities where necessary to comply with applicable laws.

Storage and/or transfer of your personal data

We use appropriate measures (described below) to keep your personal data confidential and secure. Please note, however, that these protections do not apply to information you choose to share in public areas such as third-party social networks.


  • Your personal data will be processed by our authorized staff or agents on a need to know basis, depending on the specific purposes for which your personal data has been collected (e.g. our staff in charge of sending newsletter will have access to your data).


  • We store your personal data in operating environments that use reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access. We follow reasonable standards to protect personal data.


  • Applicable data protection rules restrict the transfer of personal data to third-party jurisdictions, particularly those that do not have the levels of privacy and data protection that are deemed adequate under the applicable laws and regulations.
  • The storage as well as the processing of your personal data as described above may require that your personal data is ultimately transferred/transmitted to and/or stored at a destination outside of your country of residence. We may also transfer your personal data to other countries including countries which have different data protection standards than those of your local jurisdiction. At any rate, we will take all reasonable steps and efforts to ensure your personal data will be protected adequately and in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations of your local jurisdiction.
  • When we transfer your personal data, we rely on protection mechanisms in compliance with data protection law in order to protect your personal data and achieve an adequate level of protection.


We use technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the personal data we have under our control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. Our security procedures are continually enhanced as new technology becomes available.

Your rights in relation to personal data

Applicable data protection laws and regulations of certain jurisdictions provide its respective residents with certain limited rights with respect to collection, retention, usage and disclosure of their personal information. You may at any time exercise your data protection rights as set forth below in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the applicable laws of the appropriate jurisdiction of your habitual residence or place of work:


  • You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed by Hanwha and if so, what specific data is being processed.


  • You have the right to change any inaccurate personal data concerning you.


  • In some cases, for instance, when the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected, you have a limited right for your personal data to be erased. If you would like for your personal data to be deleted or erased at any time, please send us a specific request to that effect, and we will respond to all such requests to the extent possible and/or permissible under the laws. However, please note that generally, there may be certain permissible need for us to retain portions of the personal data, and to use it internally in a lawful manner compatible with the context in which you provided the personal data.


  • You have the limited right to restrict the processing of your personal data by Hanwha, for instance when the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data, but instead you would like to restrict the use of your personal data. In such cases, your personal data will only be processed with your consent or for other permissible reasons as provided under the applicable laws and regulations.


  • Under some circumstances provided by law, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or transmit that personal data to another data controller.


  • Please see below section “Am I obliged to provide my personal data?”
  • To this effect, please contact Hanwha in writing either by e-mail at the following address: or by writing to the addresses below, enclosing a copy of a document evidencing your identity.
    Hanwha Group, Head of Data Protection - Chief Privacy Officer: JeeYoung Park (Hanwha Communications Committee),
    Privacy Policy Director: Jiyeon Lee (Hanwha Communications Committee)


  • We are committed to resolving all complaints you may have about our collection or use of your personal data in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. If you have any questions or complaints regarding our collection, use or disclosure of your personal data in compliance with the principles of this Privacy Policy, you should first contact us using the contact details noted above. If you feel that your concerns or complaints were not adequately addressed or resolved, you may raise your complaint with the relevant appropriate authorities. For instance, you may contact the national data protection authorities (the “DPA”) in UK or EU Member State of your habitual residence, your place of work, or of an alleged infringement of the data protection laws, or you may also contact the U.S. Federal Trade Commission if you are a resident within any of the U.S. states or territories. We will cooperate in any investigations by, and comply with the advice of, appropriate DPAs in managing any disputes.

Am I obliged to provide my personal data?

You may at any time object to the processing of your personal data or where your consent is required, withdraw such consent by contacting us at
However, please note that if you withdraw your consent, you may not be able to access and use certain information, features or services of the website.



  • Cookies are small files that may be downloaded on your device when you access and use our website. They allow the website to recognize your device and store information about your preferences or past actions. We use cookies to record the preferences of our users and to enable us to optimize the design of our website. They ease navigation and increase the user-friendliness of websites and applications. Cookies also help us to identify the most popular sections of our website. This enables us to provide content that is more accurately suited to your needs and, in doing so, improve our service. Cookies can be used to determine whether there has been any contact between us and your device in the past. Personal details can be saved in cookies, provided that you have consented. For example, cookies may be used to facilitate secure online access so that you do not need to enter your user ID and password again.


Cookies Type Category Retention period
Adobe Analytics Performance Cookies Analytics / Third party cookies Session or until you erase cache on your browser Persistent cookie :
25 Months
Google Analytics / Google Ads Targeting/ Advertising Cookies Cross Site Tracking / Third party cookies Session or until you erase cache on your browser Persistent cookie :
18 Months
Twitter / FaceBook / Google+ / Pinterest / LinkedIn Social Sharing Cookies Social Media&Sharing / Third-party cookies Session or until you erase cache on your browser Persistent cookies:
Subject to relevant Cookie companies’ policy


Data controllers & contact

Chief Privacy Officer: JeeYoung Park (Hanwha Communications Committee),
Privacy Policy Director: Jiyeon Lee (Hanwha Communications Committee) +82-2-729-1804,

Modification of the Privacy Policy

Hanwha will update this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect the changes in our practices and services and also to remain compliant with all applicable data protection laws and regulations of all applicable jurisdictions. We will inform you of any substantial modification in how we process your Personal Data.